Sunday, 25 May 2014

PDF⋙ The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision by James Redfield

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision by James Redfield

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision by James Redfield PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Millions have experienced the nine insights of The Celestine Prophecy and glimpsed the emerging world view that it describes. Since its beginning as a word-of-mouth, self-published book, The Celestine Prophecy has sold over five million copies in more than forty countries from Australia to Germany, from America to Japan, becoming a number one New York Times and national bestseller. Inspired by this book, individuals across the world have opened up to the experience of guiding coincidences in their lives, and to a new sense of personal destiny and mission. Now, a new Insight is emerging ... In this exciting sequel, Charlene, the friend who first brought word that an ancient manuscript had been found in Peru, has suddenly disappeared while exploring an old-growth forest deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Here, in this rich setting of cathedral forests, wooded streams, and majestic waterfalls, your adventure in search of the Tenth Insight begins. It is a trip that will take you through portals into other dimensions ... to memories of past experiences and other centuries ... to the moment before our conception and the birth vision we all experience ... to the passage of death and the life review we must all face ... to the self-imposed isolation of hell, where fearful souls resist awakening ... and the love-filled Afterlife dimension where the knowledge of human destiny is guarded and held. And back on Earth, you will see the fear of the future that is endangering Earth's spiritual renaissance, and you will struggle to overcome this fear by exploring the nature of intuition, synchronicity, and visualization. As you grasp the Tenth Insight, your memories will expand to include an understanding of the long expanse of human history and the special mission that we all share to bring humanity to its intended purpose. And you will begin to answer, as never before, the unspoken questions that loom over all of human experience and in every human heart: Why are we here? What are we to do? Where are we going? Again, with words that resonate with our deepest intuitions and illuminate both the world outside us and within us, James Redfield offers us all a unique, revelatory, and ultimately joyful vision of human spirituality. One that could change your life. And perhaps, the world.

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