The Art of the Question: A Guide to Short-Term Question-Centered Therapy by Marilee C. Goldberg
The Art of the Question: A Guide to Short-Term Question-Centered Therapy by Marilee C. Goldberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"The important thing is not to stop questioning."-Albert Einstein
The Art of the Question extends the range of cognitive-behavioral therapy by elaborating on the ways that internal questions program thought, emotion, and behavior. Describing a groundbreaking, question-centered approach to therapy, the concepts and practices in this book are essential for facilitating successful counseling and therapy. The Art of the Question contains everything therapists need to add question-centered methods to their therapeutic toolkits.
The question-driven nature of choice is one of the pillars of question-centered therapy. The Art of the Question offers practical psycho-educational tools to help clients create better choices, be more effective in the ways they make choices, and take responsibility for their decisions. Clients learn to ask questions leading to solutions and positive possibilities, rather than those focusing on problems, negativity, and limitations. They discover that healing, growth, creativity, and change are often catalyzed through the simple act of changing their questions.
The Art of the Question includes:
* Question strategies for win-win marriages
* Many compelling clinical cases and vignettes
* Detailed methods for helping clients discover and transform the silent, implicit questions that program their lives
* A framework for asking questions of clients at each stage of the therapeutic process
* Illustrated psycho-educational materials for clients
The Art of the Question contains everything therapists need to incorporate question-centered methods into their therapeutic tool kits, making it an essential resource and reference guide for all mental health professionals.
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