Seismology and Structure of the Earth: Treatise on Geophysics
Seismology and Structure of the Earth: Treatise on Geophysics PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Treatise on Geophysics: Seismology and Structure of the Earth, Volume 1, provides a comprehensive review of the state of knowledge on the Earths structure and earthquakes. It addresses various aspects of structural seismology and its applications to other fields of Earth sciences.The book is organized into four parts. The first part principally covers theoretical developments and seismic data analysis techniques from the end of the nineteenth century until the present, with the main emphasis on the development of instrumentation and its deployment. The second part reviews the status of knowledge on the structure of the Earths shallow layers, starting with a global review of the Earth's crustal structure. The third part focuses on the Earth's deep structure, divided into its main units: the upper mantle, the transition zone and upper-mantle discontinuities, the D region at the base of the mantle, and the Earth's core. The fourth part comprises two chapters which discuss constraints on Earth structure from fields other than seismology: mineral physics and geodynamics.
- Self-contained volume starts with an overview of the subject then explores each topic with in depth detail
- Extensive reference lists and cross references with other volumes to facilitate further research
- Full-color figures and tables support the text and aid in understanding
- Content suited for both the expert and non-expert
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